Thanks for the photos of your journey. So true that you see more of the vistas when you travel by train. Unfortunately the powers that be in the US sacrificed train travel for cars and airplanes. Seems most train travel is commuter rail. Enjoy your trip.

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We really are lucky in Europe!

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Thank you for letting me ride Victorian side saddle style to see the countrysides' from your Iron horse this morning (-:

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Wonderful photos of your trip. Thank you for sharing. I very much enjoyed the trip!

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Alex, thank you for taking us on your lovely journey. Enjoy your day!

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Geen probeem!

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Such great photos, love the views!

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Lovely ride. I've taken parts of that route on the Thalys several times. Also have circled much of the Netherlands on the NS. Both are clean, comfortable, quiet and offer a view of the countryside you won't see any other way. I look forward to your round trip, and hope it's during the day so you can take lots of pictures.

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Thank you, Paula, sorry for the late reply (all that traveling...)

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So much to say ... First off, I love the pictures. I'm a real fan of out of the train pictures and take them on an almost daily basis. Not always as successfully as you.

As for travelling by train I could not agree more. Up to Northern Germany or even Copenhagen I try to travel by train whenever possible. I love the Interrail passes you can get and that you don't have to commit to a specific train (until you reserve your seat). I love that I have a better sense of where I am when I travel by train and of the distance. Arriving in a new place at a train station is one of my favorite things. I grew up without a car and went everywhere on public transport or by bike growing up. I don't own a car now. While it's convenient to drive places and sometimes driving makes most sense, I don't see why I should fly places in Europe if I can reach them quite easily by train. I really hope they re-introduce night trains as well.

Not sure if I'd have recognized the station in Geneva if you hadn't mentioned it (my trains are usually on platforms 3/4). That clock though. I'd reconize that anywhere. I actually own one.

Thank you for taking us on your journey to Switzerland. I hope my French-speaking countrymen and women are treating you well.

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