The UK has lost more biodiversity than any G7 country”

What a sad statement!

We continue to fail our planet and the creatures that live here. Sometimes through careless failure, other times through blatant cruelty.

Worse, most of these creatures were here before humanity. We invaded their home and pushed them out. I see it where I live increasingly.

Makes one wonder which are the beasts.

A very mindful article and wonderful images, especially your drawing. Thank you.

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Animals and nature deserve so much better.

Thanks for calling attention to this. It's appaling! There are badgers around here, too. I need to check on their status.

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Bad, bad news about the recent UK wildlife crimes and hopeless words about a European leader. Brexit, lawlessnesses or weakening the little remaining biodiversity... seems that the UK lost the compass 😱

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Thank you for calling attention to this. The values of humans at times are quite saddening.

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Super read Alexander, thank you

I will pass it on (-:

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