Good one! I enjoyed this panel very much. Excellent views from a distinguished panel. Your remarks are always excellent & meaningful.

Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you, Lizzie

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From a reductionist perspective, the complexities that face us are so daunting that agreement on strategies seems almost a waste of good energy. Would it not be better to prioritize, and work on tactically addressing issue #1, then 2? That is, politics and economics aside, I think we'd all agree that carbon oxidation is the biggest problem. Clearly diplomacy isn't my forte, but damn, we have to move quickly against this primary threat to life.

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In an ideal world, yes. However, if we lived in an ideal world, diplomacy would be abolished, and COP1 would have been all we needed. We would all agree that burning fossil fuels is a bad idea for many reasons and we would start to use less energy, become more efficient, consume less, and move to renewables. We would have done so decades ago, which would have been possible since we would have prioritized R&D for wind, solar, and other alternatives. We would have reserved a part of our carbon budget for those things for which we don't have alternatives yet for fossil fuels. like long-distance flying. But the reality is quite different. Those that rose to power in the fossil fuel-based economy are the ones that have most to lose when we move to alternatives and do all they can to keep us burning fossil fuels. So we still need COP26, and 27, and... Meanwhile, I didn't fly long-distance to Glasgow since we never prioritized the change of our energy system which makes that I think twice about any flight that I want to make and have a disturbed sleep pattern while COP 26 continues in the UK time zone. Did I drift off course in this answer? Yes, I did, it is getting late here and I will organize my thoughts better tomorrow. Thanks for your comment :-)

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Today, striving for a healthy planet is first and foremost. Thank you Alexander for showing us what is standing in its way . . . πŸ’―βœ”πŸ—Ί

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Thanks Marian!

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Thank you for participating and sharing. While we wait (& wait) on governments to take our worldwide climate crisis as needing immediate attention and pass/enforce regulations and laws, we each individually CAN contribute by eating plant-based, walking, driving fuel efficient vehicles, every bit helps.

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Hi Dawna, I agree. Real change comes from governments, or should (have) come from governments. But every little bit helps, so individually we should do what we can too.

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Thank you for sharing. What an interesting panel! I only "knew" two of the participants before watching it. Loved hearing some new - well, new to me - voices as well as yours and Nick's. Will have to give it a second listen over the weekend.

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