Good Saturday morning Alexander

Ah, I'm curious to read the The New York Times article about the children that survived the camp. But I'm staring at a pay wall. I think there is a feature where you can share an article from the NYTs' with friends. I Googled "How to share The New York Times with friends" there are some options. Perhaps it can work on Substack, on Twitter for sure.

Walk on, seize the day, kiss the sun, and . . . (-:

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Thanks for this! Three-day weekend here. And the sun is finally back. I hope you have a great walk and I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures.

And that NYT article - wow, thanks for sharing that.

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Just read the article. Truly amazing that the film survived and people were identified. It is always wonderful that people record events that will become history even when they are tragic. One can only hope people will learn from them.

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Not a 3day weekend here but a very unseasonable hot one. Glad you got to enjoy your walk. Hope the rest of your weekend is as nice.

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Each of these articles is important to read. So much to learn, appreciate & enjoy. Thank you for all the time, thought & effort spent in comprising excellent journalism masterfully written. Every issue would be worthwhile for the photos alone but the content excels. Please know your work is appreciated!

The NYT story is chilling but a must read. Such an enormously important undertaking by those who persevered to secure these important facts, identities & details.

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