Nov 26, 2021Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

👌 Thank you Alexander!

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Nov 26, 2021Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

You’ve perfectly assessed the problem with politicians and failure to protect the environment & species. Their self focused agendas ignore the critical dangers to nature and the planet in favor of satisfying their constituents on personal, close to home matters that earn them voter support while forsaking the much larger crisis. Meanwhile, we lose more of our planet and dwindling animal and plant life that can’t be replaced. As you’ve described so many species that once enriched the planet are now sadly in danger of becoming extinct. The loss of the Arctic, glaciers and plight of polar bears should be cause for highest alarm. It isn’t. Leaders are not leading.

The parallels you present on racism is again on point. Within a matter of days it’s been brought into clear focus in America. While one trial ended with justice, another made a mockery of justice. The ‘What’s going on’ article and video was an excellent addition to this article.

For the record, I, too, was sickened by the photo of Trump and his friend, no winners in that photo.

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deletedNov 25, 2021Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍
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