Feb 14, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Wonderful article beautifully written and the images are gorgeous!

Interesting that Valentine’s Day wasn’t observed in your country until recently. School children have traditionally exchanged Valentine cards with classmates with ‘mailboxes’ on each desk and sweet treats sent by Moms.

In typical fashion, American commercialization takes over and now 24 billion dollars is spent for one day to prove love. It seems obscene when you point out that “U.S. citizens spend about 50 times more money on this one day than the total annual budget of UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme.”

Americans need to redefine values and assessment of priorities. We’ve lost our way.

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Thank you for putting all this amazing history into a newsletter. It was a nice surprise to wake up to this morning - also your podcast. I love having something interesting to read and listen to.

I've never celebrated Valentine's Day myself. When I was growing up it wasn't a thing. When I was a teenager I might have seen it in American movies. Now, it's everywhere. In the bakery downstairs all their baked goods are heart-shaped today. Oh and flowers cost double of what they usually cost today. The days after Valentine's Day are great to buy chocolate at a discount ;-)

I love what you said at the end. Love connects us all. Today I'm going with the Finnish version of Valentine's Day - they call it Friend Day. What a great and inclusive concept.

Also, thank you for reminding me of that Mark Knopfler song. One of my favorites growing up. Didn't understand the lyrics in 1980, but loved the song anyway.

Happy Friend Day everybody! And Happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate it.

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Feb 14, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Happy Valentine's Day to all on The Planet 💗🌎 🌷

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Feb 14, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

I am chocked that the budget of the UNEP for the environment in the UN is annually less than the expenses in one day, St. Valentine’s, by the Americans. The US ?

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Feb 14, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

It's good to reflect and express to those we love, and especially extend to Mother Earth. Thank you Alexander for your wise sharing and Happy Valentine's Day to you :)

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Loved it then, love it now 💖

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Feb 14, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Thank you for the lovely reminder of the historical stories of Valentine’s Day. It would be wonderful if people were kinder, thoughtful and considerate of all other people, animals and of the environment every day of the year ☀️💚💙💜♥️

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Feb 14, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Happy Valentine's Day, Alexander 🌍💙

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