Mar 17Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

“Now if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country, that will be the least of it,” Trump warned.

Naked Nazi language from an open admirer of Hitler.

Alarming, shocking? Without question.

America is in a battle for democracy it must win.

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Mar 17Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

This is a beautifully clear linear explanation of history to this point. I'm afraid this year the line will move.

The fascism has already begun without the aid of the orange monster. I live in what we defined as a "Sanctuary City" thereby encouraging those who are seeking asylum to feel safe. Our city government limits or denies cooperation with national goverment in enforcing immigration law. It is also safe to have an abortion in our state. To punish us, the GOP governors of TX and FL punished us by sending busloads of asylum seekers to our city causing a logistics nightmare.

Our being "progressive" does not mean we don't have our share of racists including within law enforecement. I am involved in Pro-Palestine activism. In the US right now we have to fight for free speech and freedom of peaceful assembly. American citizens are called "terrorists" by our government because we are against genocide. We are harassed, beaten, and arrested by our government for protesting genocide using our tax dollars. This is why Biden's approval rating is low. The only reason. For whatever reason MSM has decided it's all about jobs and the economy and age. Just as MSM would not stop writing ridiculous stories about emails in 2016. We have been begging the Democratic Party since last year to give us a candidate the majority can support. Crickets. Those organized have vowed to vote "uncommitted" in the primary but most will likely vote Biden in the general election. We don't want a fascist in power. We also didn't want 10,000 babies killed. US citizens have funded Netanyahu's goal of eliminating an entire nation of people. For real estate. Our leadership has its eye on oil. Of course.

Not good news.

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Mar 17Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

A well written piece.

I only really have one reaction - this is scary.

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Mar 18Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: It's fascinating how History seems to balance on a knife-edge and a small event can resonate through the following decades. Just think how much different the world (and our climate future) could have been if a few "hanging chads" in Florida had not taken the election away from Al Gore and given it to George Bush.

Hopefully, a small "butterfly" event will shift enthusiasms away from Mr. Trump before November.

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Mar 17Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Again, a great piece Alex! But I’m not ready to panic yet, because I still believe my fellow Americans are overwhelmingly saner than they are partisan. Those who understand what this means now, have changed their tune, from ‘how bad could it be?’ to ‘this is the most serious threat to Democracy and the Rule of Law since the Civil War (150 yrs), and voters, it’s on us.’

The message IS getting through to some people, and there are MANY SMART GOP LEADERS, screaming from the rooftops, and working deeply to educate regular voters and transform the conversation. The sheer numbers now, this is new. And it’s working, apparently.

Additionally, there are a lot of reasons not to buy too much into the polls, not the least of which is GOP run polls, that are intentionally skewed, and others, that end up skewed because voters won’t participate. Heartily recommend this article by Jay Kuo for more on that:


And nearly lastly, most recently I heard of a, I think, Quinnipiac poll (often considered reliably accurate, though it’s way too early for any certainty) found Biden actually ahead after both men secured their nominations-post the State of the Union address, and Super Tuesday…

And FINALLY, this morning (last night?) it was announced that Biden has raised more money, for this point in the race, than any candidate ever before… he’ll need it, but that’s a great sign.

We’ve got a long way to go; and lots could happen, but to me, the bigger picture is more hopeful in the last two weeks than it’s been in awhile. The crazier Trump and the GOP get, the more obvious and consolidated the opposition becomes, esp in the non MAGA GOP; and the more regular people, the independent and non MAGA GOP voters, are engaging; and realizing, this is no joke, whatever side you’ve spent your life on… this time is different…

There’s a serious, determined group of people driving this conversation, from Trump’s former advisers, to Liz Cheney and Miles Taylor, and many, many more…and the courts blocking Trump’s prosecution before the election is only driving this forward…

We have to watch, but there’s a lot of momentum making me a little less desperate than even last month…


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Mar 17Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Thanks for the pep talk! We will use it wisely, I hope, in majority rejection at the ballot box of Trump. He offers nothing but chaos and anarchy and if the polling stations and personnel persevere, he will be defeated in November. The threats of violence are the most concerning as they could keep voters and poll workers home. Secondly, the partisan gerrymandering originating from States is difficult to judge as a whole. We need Steve Kornaci, the “map guy” to break down swing states especially. And there is widespread protest to the Mid East situation and humanitarian crisis in Gaza which may come to a resolution in days or not. Obstructionist Speaker Mike Johnson will not bring aid to Ukraine 🇺🇦 to the floor for a vote. He is a clear and present danger to the machinations of governance. I have hopes that more GOP House members will resign in disgust so that prior to refilling those seats, we might have the Democratic members get a few critical pieces of actual legislation done unrelated to partisan impeachment antics wasting time and energy without substance. Gen Z is up in arms about the loss potentially of TikTok and we need their support. Biden will need to address that conundrum. It’s exhausting. But possible to get the blue wave we need. 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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Mar 18Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

There is no secret handshake, no Court of Law, no Lancelot riding in on a white horse to save us. I do not feel time will fix this. As Alice says, "Time is a cruel master" and we are running out the clock.

Growing up in the 70's was dramatic: Carnaby Street fashion, Haight Ashbury, Beatles, surfer girls, moon landings and Mickey Mouse. We were free and the possibilities were endless.

Now anger, fear and hatred of our fellow man has taken over. Those in power who know better are capitulating to a mad man hell bent on destroying American Democracy, Rule of Law and Free and Fair Elections. America is in trouble.

Bravo, Alex, for always lifting up the American ideal as the liberator and defender of freedom. I fear we have let you down. We have taken our eyes off the ball, letting a thief come in and rob us of everything we hold dear. We must raise our voices. At the end of the day, I would rather take criticism for speaking out than exert the "white privilege" of staying silent.

It only takes a second to lose everything. As the White Rabbit says, "How long is forever? Sometimes just one second." America's forever is now hanging in the balance. We thought we had time. We don't. "Kathy I'm lost I said though I knew she was sleeping...." Wake up America.

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