Nov 16, 2021Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Frightening seems almost a mild word in view of these shocking predictions!

“So in just the first eight months of this year, the extreme scenario for sea-level rise went up from 1.1 meters to 2 meters… Due to deep uncertainty in ice sheet processes, the IPCC report could not rule out a seal level of 5 m by 2150 under a very high greenhouse gas emissions scenario.” For countries such as yours & other low lying countries & cities, even catastrophe barely suffices as a descriptor.

These facts are even more infuriating with COP26 so freshly in hindsight. We’ve reached a point where no one can ignore the responsibility to take individual actions, even in the smallest ways, but the most critical is electing responsible, intelligent leadership. It’s imperative.

Luna is preparing for the worst. If only leaders were as foresighted. And the wintry scene is lovely.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Amidst the turbulent weather and earth conditions worldwide, it’s appalling that so many people refuse to see OUR climate crisis. Looks like Luna is among the wise and taking action for her best and safest life. These photos are beautiful.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Just saw pictures of floods in Portland, ME and it wasn’t caused by rain but rising sea levels. So far on LI it is caused by storms. Speaking of storms LI saw 4 tornadoes this week. Extremely unusual and even more because it happened in November. Seems everywhere is being impacted by climate change and more people here are realizing climate change is not a fallacy.

Lovely picture of Luna. Cats like comfort and warmth and luckily we can provide that. Thanks for the photos and another article to ponder.

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Luna is one smart cat, plus super cute. I love that picture of her. This question just popped into my head: Does Luna like snow? Picture evidence would be nice ;-)

I can't believe how long we've been hearing about sea-level rise and which areas will be worst affected. And still nothing, well, maybe not nothing, but hardly anything or definitely NOT ENOUGH has been done. I wish people realized that the climate crises concern all of us. Of course we're not gonna drown in the ocean in Switerland, but that doesn't mean we can just turn a blind eye to what's going on. Those predictions are truly shocking.

As you say - we do need brave decisions and actions. I've decided to vote for the green party (almost exclusively) and for scientists or other people with sensible jobs. I know that there's a need for lawyers, but there are too many in our government. Way too many.

Flying a lot less - haven't flown in 21 months, mainly due to the pandemic and I don't really miss it much. Will try to keep that up post pandemic (if there is such a thing). Having said that I do need to finally meet some of the people that have gotten me through the past year and I can't swim across the Atlantic. I do see a lot of train travel in Europe in my future. Have always preferred it to flying. Plus, almost entirely meatless and increasingly going for non-dairy options. It's a process though and also a matter of availabilty. Luckily that is fast increasing.

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Thank you for the interesting newsletters. Unfortunately, I can't pay anything because I'm a dropout. I live on a sailing boat for six months and on a campsite the rest of the year. What worries me a lot is a feeling of hopelessness after Glasgow. And it’s the same for many people. What to do? I would really like it if not only the problems were reported but also the solutions available today. And why not hold an annual competition with a lot of press coverage? In first place the country that is the most climate-friendly and the one that has made the greatest progress in this regard. People need hope and they love games and competitions. Which country would not want to get into the top ranks? Just a thought. Warm regards. Monika Hofmann-Hagen

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