You’ve said it all in this beautiful last episode arriving in Santiago!

I can only add my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all you’ve added to my imaginary journey.

It’s been an exquisite experience. These photos are truly breathtaking.

Congratulations on achieving this memorable goal.

The smile on your face is the reward. Masterfully done!

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Amazing! thanks for the inspiration

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Well done!

Thank you for the pictures, the perspective and your thoughtful newsletters from the Camino.

Careful when coming back into normality. It's crazier than when you left.

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It looks and sounds like a wonderful place to visit or live. Thank you for sharing and contributing to the cause, restoring peoples faith in humanity.

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Thanks Elliot, yes walking a Camino is good for restoring peoples faith in humanity

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"Do you remember when we used to sing....sha la la la.." Muchas gracias por todos Alex.

You walked the beautiful path before you & reached your destination never forgetting the pilgrims traveling with you. Dangers were overcome & love remains.

I believe all along you have the protection of the Saints, the universe & your innate sense of direction. You did well.

El destino final eres tu mismo.

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Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Thank you for sharing your journey so eloquently with us! I wonder how this will change the next steps in life - for you and all of the people you met. Thank you again.

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I hope the afterglow of the Santiago de Compostela will last you a very, very long time (-:

Fantastic finish with beautiful photos!!

Thank you, pilgrim Alexander, this is a beautiful beaming photo of the 'End of Trail' ⏳ (This trail)

Mooi gedaan 🤗👏👏👏👏👏

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Bravo ! For all you walked, you pictured and shared. Thank you specially for the picture with the diploma next to a statue of Marie and her child which I welcome as a nice tribute.

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Beautiful! Congratulations!

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You made it! Mission accomplished! Has it changed you? Please record your memories for each day as best you can recall, as the details will fade too quickly. Then in your later years, you will be able to relive your walk even if physically you would no longer be able to recreate it. I have very much enjoyed traveling alongside you from the comfort of my recliner! Thank you for sharing.

Several years ago I read a review of the film « The Way » with Martin Sheen & produced by his son, Emilio Estevez. I thought it fascinating. It, of course, is fiction, but based on a walk made by (literally) thousands of pilgrims over the years. After traveling with you, I have ordered the DVD to watch.

Climate change is real, as evidenced by the fires you encountered on your walk for example, & which every person on the earth should acknowledge. There is no escape. I am sorry that our government cannot do more.

“Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and the last fish been caught, will we realize we cannot eat money.” Cree Indian Proverb

Once again, thank you.

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Hi Jean, The Way seems to be rather popular amongst Americans and most of the American pilgrims I met had seen it and some mentioned it as their motivation to go and experience it for themselves. I saw it just before I left and there is quite a bit that I later recognised, although the characters that I met in real life where more interesting then those in the movie... Yes, you are right, I should write more about it.

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Thanks for sharing your pilgrimage, Alex. It’s been wonderful to be a little bird on your shoulder seeing and experiencing thru your eyes. I hope everything was pleasantly more moving than you ever imagined.

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Hi Dawna, it was an amazing experience. Perhaps I find time to write more in august

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Amazing accomplishment, Alexander! Thanks for taking us along on your pilgrimage and sharing your observations, experiences, and wisdom.

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Bravo!! You made it through fires and heatwaves and many very uncomfortable moments (hours? days? nights?). It's very redeeming to read of the spirit of humanity that you have encountered and the comaraderie of el camino. There is a French poet who says pilgrimage is the poetry of the feet. And my friend, writer Phil Cousineau who wrote The Art of Pilgrimage: The Seeker's Guide to Making Travel Sacred, says, “What matters most on your journey is how deeply you see, how attentively you hear, how richly the encounters are felt in your heart and soul.” That seems to speak to your experience. I hope that you will maintain your openheartedness as long as possible.

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Beautiful essay. It makes me want to go there as a pilgrim.

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I can only advise to just do it. I know how intimidating it felt when I started thinking about it. There were so many questions, but it is doable. Get a ticket, fill your backpack and go to the starting point. Others will help you once you start.

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Thank you, Alex. I'm inspired, now.

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You DID it; completed the pilgrimage. ⭐️ If you come across my question on a post I cannot find to delete, please know how happy I am that you took this time for yourself! Go away sadness and despair; we are in the fight of our lives to salvage what remains of this glorious planet 🌍 and are reminded that the beauty (your photographs are inspiring!) and hope of results yet to come move us forward! Bless you for your continued work and dedication to sustainable futures for all creatures calling this Earth “HOME.”🥹

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Yes, I did it, but not completely. I skipped those 95 kilometers between Pamplona and Logrono because of the forest fires. I play with the idea of going back this year to do that part, and then likely walk a bit more. It feels so good to be out there and I might someday write a longer story than just some blogs since there is so much more to tell.

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