Equity in its broadest sense means fair. Listening to these podcasts I am struck by lack of action by countries & stakeholders to improve quality of life for 2 billion around the world affected by lack of sanitation & clean water.

Equity comes in the form of upgrading slum areas, access to clean water, stand alone containers, education around hygiene, and monitoring public health threat of water borne diseases such as cholera and dysentery. These are basic human rights that most of us never have to think about.

Equity is also forbearance of actions causing unsanitary & life threatening conditions. Stopping the flow of wastewater into rivers & oceans & putting a halt to dangerous antibiotics polluting groundwater.

The vulnerable populations such as women & girls must have access to safe sanitation.

The voices of these podcasts are fighting for equity in wastewater sanitation & quality of life for those around the globe who have no voice. Bien hecho! Muchas gracias.

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Well said!

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Flush and forget - I know that concept well.

Thanks for drawing my attention to this important topic. There are many wastewater treatment plants in Switzerland and we were actually shown around the local one in primary school - still I'm one of the "flush and forget" people.

And I'm not gonna repeat all that Sharon has said in her comment - it's spot on!

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