I have no regard for anything related to this Cheney family but must admit to huge respect for Liz Cheney standing strong against the face of insanity among her colleagues & the fascism & destruction of America & democracy by the GOP. It’s mind boggling to see what has happened in American politics in the past few years. Perhaps even more so, the unforgivable deliberate damage to the environment.

Under the prior administration the EPA was a farce. In no way was it protecting the environment! Just the opposite! Andrew Wheeler was eagerly complicit in hiding critical information & covering up with misinformation. It’s a travesty with disastrous results.

Thank you for the EPA Climate Change Indicators button. I’m saving to read more thoroughly when I have more time. But also want to thank you & applaud this excellent article. It’s importance can’t be underestimated. You’ve written a bold & powerful piece but I expect nothing less from you.

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Interesting to see the difference in the EPA website since Trump left office. Climate Change is back as a topic. Wonder if more of the population will finally agree that something is really happening to our climate. As to Liz Cheney and her stating that Trump won will cause a shift throughout the Republican Party. There already is a movement to form a third party. Time will tell if it will truly happen. Interesting article.

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Good morning, it is a sunny day here and The Planet letter intrigued me. I signed up with the EPA. Their website is beautifully organized and lots of topics to learn from at anytime. A place were the .gov can hear from anybody if you find something not in order in your environment.

The photo's by Patrick Hendry of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument are to be marveled over only. In my mind Grand Staircase-Escalante NM is not for exploitation . . .

Thank you Alexander (-:

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Liz Cheney....Trump vs. Cheney is akin to King Kong vs. Godzilla IMO. She sold out her own sister, with big Daddy's approval btw. Still, she's taking this much needed fight to the GOP. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-liz-cheney-gay-marriage-20131118-story.html

Love the link to the EPA data. I'm in the midst of planting my veg garden out at the moment so a tad busy but a personal observation--I've got iris blooming before peonies this year.

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