Oct 3, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Well said Alex. I have been watching the results on CNN and watching the people of Brazil respond. I think the economy will play into their votes also and of course the Amazon which is critical to all of us.

I hope more Americans take to heart what is at stake here. Our planet is losing its lungs. I have asthma and I know what it feels like when your lungs start to shut down. It is frightening.

Thank you for always bringing the conversation back to this wonderful planet and what we must do to sustain it.

Fingers crossed that the ideology of greed mixed with threats of insurrection will not win.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

The Trump effect is exactly what’s happening in Brazil and the outcome is likely to be another violent reenactment of January 6th but, as you said, better executed.

I’ve kept a watch on the incoming vote count in hopes of a stronger result for Lula. Even if he is the eventual winner, the struggle will just be beginning. It’s unfathomable how the most dangerous people like Trump and Bolsonaro can reach such levels of power when their nefarious aims are clear. The outcome of this election will indeed affect the entire world.

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