Great summary and shall keep on subscribing. Rather do that here on this platform than on others. I don’t buy papers but some people do. Newsletters like yours are a massive breath of fresh air!

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Thank you, Nick. I really appreciate that!!!

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I'm very happy that you didn't go all "niche", although some of those niche topics you mentioned made me smile. I love the mix and variety of your newsletters. Thank you for this summary of what The Planet is all about.

Being Swiss I do have some thoughts - one thought actually, about what historical event in Geneva you're referring to. I won't spoil it though. I also love history and my area has a lot to offer: the Romans were here. If you ever make it to this part of Switzerland I'm happy to give you some tips of where to go. We also have many castles and beautiful historic towns. I should really share a bit more about the history of my area on Twitter.

Traveling through your pictures is great. Especially now that traveling is limited. I'm looking forward to seeing where you're taking us next.

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Thank you, Evelyne, Switzerland is for me mostly Geneva, and I realize what a small corner of the country it is. I have seen much more on many other visits, but that is quite some years ago. Some day, in a not too distant future, the Dutch will need to keep their feet dry and will rediscover your country...

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Alex, this is a excellent summary of your work. I appreciate you bringing us on your walks, bicycle and train rides, extra meaningful as you speak of the special details like a meal or seeing the horses, which are often overlooked in one’s travels. Your thoughtful writing informs as well as makes me recall fond memories sitting on a balcony for days Le Hotel Richemond, reading, gazing at the peaceful lake…the brilliant orange trees in Lausanne as well as other journeys. I am very grateful to have traveled extensively prior to 9/11…days prior when one could simply be spontaneous, book a airline ticket and rush to the airport and wake up in Paris or elsewhere. Hope you have a lovely week.

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I walked past this famous hotel in Geneva. And yes, I miss those days too, but I truly enjoyed the train ride and will do all I can to reduce my flying (I can't escape the transatlantic flights but I have reduced those too by staying longer on the other side of the ocean and combining work meetings).

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Well spoken!

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Dank je wel Heico!

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A very good summary of your week.

I agree your posts & writings are a breath of fresh oxygen & we need oxygen to live. Many days opening your letters provide just that, a respite from worries or mundane days. A momentary trip in time to a fascinating place or period where one can get lost imagining a different life. The photos are another transporting moment to places perhaps never to be seen with our own eyes. What a wonderful gift!

You’ve given a very interesting & revealing synopsis of how your newsletters coalesce in your mind as you create them. The motivation behind each stays true to your purpose, creating awareness & appreciation of our incredible planet home. I love the line that ‘we are an integral part of nature and not the owners who can do with it as we please’. This underscores the needed element of visionary leadership & governance critical to a livable future.

These writings are wonderful & you deserve legions of loyal followers.

Of course the ideas that formulate your newsletter are unique & don’t fit into a niche, just like you. You’re not a one liner kind of person. Thanks for that!

PS, I’d love knowing more about the excavated small settlement of three houses from 4000 years ago!

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I will write about that settlement the next time that I spend some time on the island. There are still so many island stories to tell. Not just about this island, but I have been reading about islands all my life. It could easily be a separate newsletter.

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Thank you Alexander you are a writer of remarkable versatility. Showing us how to challenge ourselves to stay unstuck. To be able to really see this planet while we leave our foot prints. 🌻

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I like that formulation :-)

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I agree with Evelyne — and niche can easily be replaced! You offer layers of news and information, giving us the whole picture surrounding our planet and climate change. Not many people would take the time and effort to do this, and so your work is much appreciated!

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Thank you for the kind words, Louisa!

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Beautiful subject of reflection and admiration that our planet!

Thank you Alex🙏, for your very interesting sharings (as always👌)

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Thank you, Danièle 😊

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Oct 25, 2021
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Thank you so much. You should write my newsletter, I wish I could formulate like you. Thank you for giving a gift subscription (the beauty of giving a gift subscription is that you make two people happy; the writer and the receiver, at least that's my hope ;-)

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Oct 24, 2021
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Thank you, Aimee, how wider the niche, the more there is to write about. Glad you enjoy the newsletter!

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