Sep 28, 2021Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

There are many who agree with the fact that climate change is a topic that every government needs to address. Until the power of the fossil fuel industry in governments is blocked it will hinder effective action. We can all take actions to help but nations must be the ones to implement real change. Thanks for your informative article and may your words reach the right ears.

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Thanks Alexander. Your sobering message is on target and very important to disseminate. While I have some doubts about some of the assumptions in IPCC's worst case scenario(s), that is largely irrelevant as the predictions from their much more likely scenarios are already a disaster for our children and their children. 2100 will be here much faster than we can imagine, and we have no time to waste. Our small, individual actions are important, and I remain hopeful that our world leaders, particularly in the northern countries, will begin to act and not just talk. We must hold them accountable at the polls.

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Forgive me saying so, Alexander, but I am guessing that most of us totally agree with your view that urgent action needs to be taken. You are talking to the converted. I am also guessing, that many of us have written to our MPs or Policy Makers asking them to vote for urgent measures, but many of us do not wield any power and in fact, many feel, like myself, powerLESS.

Your excellent blog should also be directed at those who wield the power for change to happen.

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

An exceptional essay replete with facts & truth. It’s a grim picture but undeniable in every word.

I’m confident almost everyone reading these sage words is in full agreement with what you’ve published. This is why I’d love seeing your wonderful writings available on a broader forum to reach those who may not otherwise see them & need them most.

Experience, knowledge & background plus your deep love & appreciation for this planet make your words trustworthy & sincere. Your gift for expressing them simply but eloquently is compelling. Your mindful influence deserves a much larger audience.

Thank you for voicing the words we hold in our hearts & hopes.

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Sep 29, 2021Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Just read that "Explainer" you listed in your notes. I wish some people e.g. decision makers could travel into the future and have a look at how their families are doing in each of these futures. It is difficult to imagine, but then again it's really not. We've seen some dramatic changes over the past decades. Enormous wildfires and extreme weather patterns are just two things that come to mind.

Your examples of looking back to 1985 or even events in 1943 that our parents (in my case grandparents) might have lived through made me think. In some ways 1 year ago seems like a lifetime away because so much has changed in my life. Some of those changes I never thought possible. That kind of gives me hope that if the decision and policy makers finally committed to making the necessary changes - we could end up with "future 1". Meanwhile I'm working on joining the Race to Zero.

Also, I saw this poster at the local train station yesterday. It said something like "You don't need to be perfect to make a difference. Eating less meat already makes a difference". I liked that message. And I think this will reach more people and have more of an impact that telling people to stop eating meat. It's a process ... Apologies for digressing, but this just popped into my head.

Thank you for another thought-provoking newsletter.

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