Ahh, buried in the dreaded news, the beautiful fairies emerge!
One of my most favorite of your writings.
In these days of news that tortures our minds and souls, this is a gift to lift spirits from the sordidness of politics and harrowing science facts we can no longer ignore. Though some will. Especially here in the US where a denier will head the DEA.
For me, the loss of trees in such vast numbers is more than painful. It makes me think of the John Donne poem, “ No man is an island, Entire of itself; Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main.” The same could be said of trees.
Loving your island pictures. I will admit to largely ignoring world news.
I also love writing at cafés. I don't know about you, but writing surrounded by people in a relaxed atmosphere with coffee/tea and apple pie - just perfect.
I'm so sorry you are immersed in all this horrid mess but grateful you bring it to our attention. We need to be prepared to fight.
Loved the fairy story. Both versions.
I would like to write more like that. And dream away.
Ahh, buried in the dreaded news, the beautiful fairies emerge!
One of my most favorite of your writings.
In these days of news that tortures our minds and souls, this is a gift to lift spirits from the sordidness of politics and harrowing science facts we can no longer ignore. Though some will. Especially here in the US where a denier will head the DEA.
For me, the loss of trees in such vast numbers is more than painful. It makes me think of the John Donne poem, “ No man is an island, Entire of itself; Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main.” The same could be said of trees.
I share your sadness for the trees. The scale of destruction is so unsustainable. The next generations will be so angry at us.
Loving your island pictures. I will admit to largely ignoring world news.
I also love writing at cafés. I don't know about you, but writing surrounded by people in a relaxed atmosphere with coffee/tea and apple pie - just perfect.