Thank you for this very interesting article as well as the 48 that have preceded it. I have enjoyed every one of them & appreciate the many hours you’ve spent composing each. I fully understand your need to alter the frequency & recall you saying in the beginning that it wasn’t your expectation or intention to write daily. Yet here we are, over six weeks gone & you have generously written each day. You most certainly have earned many paid subscriptions for what you’ve offered your readers. I truly hope all those who’ve been enjoying your writing will be motivated to support this wonderful newsletter. Many thanks.

PS, the Canadian goose is beautiful! So grand!

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Thank you for those links to fascinating articles and videos. I’ve enjoyed reading your articles and have found everyone interesting and informative. As to the Canada goose they have decided not to migrate from Long Island and have become a bit of a nuisance in any space that contains a large grassy area. Beautiful but just too many of them.

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Very humbling that I'm made of billions of years of matter which is still in progress. And can enjoy being part of it conscientiously πŸ™πŸŒπŸ‘£

Thank you Alexander

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Alexander I was glad to read that time trip you wrote. It has been a great achievement to write interesting materials daily for the last 48 days and that at the same time support the ecological and human ideas that you defend.

There is always at least one alternative that leads us towards the goals. I wish you every success and keep trying.

Greetings, Leonel

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A fascinating journey we can go on while reading your compositions. Thank you. Many of your texts are challenging to absorb and many subjects to reconsider, like the new discoveries in our evolution, so slowing down the rythme of learning will help, me at least. Good continuation .

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Poor Bicellum Brasieri, you did not die in vain! Great set of articles, Alexander! Thanks πŸ™‚

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What a fascinating journey through time. Thank you! It was perfect for a rainy Saturday and Sunday morning. I also love that Canada goose picture and your thoughts on why it might not fear humans.

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