It seems Louisiana is in the crosshairs again for a hurricane disaster. There are still areas of New Orleans that never really recovered from Katrina. The human toll from Ida could be even worse with hospitals already in difficulty with the increase in COVID patients. One can only hope the levees will hold. It really is time for climate deniers to realize that climate change is real and affecting all of us.

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Unfortunately, it feels like we’re about to witness another horrendous disaster…this one comprised of Hurricane Ida, climate crisis, Covid and ignorant stubbornness of anti-mask, anti-vaxx & anti-science fools.

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This is really scary. I fear for everybody's safety and like you said the lack of hospital beds could prove deadly. Hope people who can evacuate are. Thank you for writing this.

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I remember reading after Katrina, that the Dutch engineers offered to help with improving the Louisiana levees but Louisiana declined?

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You know what this means to me so I will just say it’s excellent & thank you for the diligent work you put into this piece.

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