"With Kamala Harris—and Tim Walz since today —voters in the US have a clear choice. Two charismatic leaders with strong communication skills represent the alternative to MAGA. Going back on women's rights is weird. Harris and Walz will remind voters that there is a real choice about essential issues and that they have the future in their hands."
Christian Nationalists have a plan to keep people/women poor, uneducated, pregnant, jailed, with as few opportunities as possible. It's not going to happen.
I liked Tim Walz opening yesterday, talking about “joy” being back in the race. In start contrast: there is no joy in anything Trump/Vance have to offer, only bullying, negativity, and a promise to go back. Their plans with the American people are the same; they won’t bring joy in people’s lives.
The parallels here are striking; oppression of women taking us back to Nazi Germany. It is a mystery why women, especially MAGA's, find these tyrant thugs appealing. Weird.
In the case of JD Vance, I saw a cartoon of the Beverly Hillbillies where "Granny" says, "That JD feller's cornbread ain't quite done in the middle." Well said.
Now, today, hope is on the ballot. Hate is exhausting and America is ready for a new day. I can feel it, like the desert before a rain, intoxicating.
I am heading to the White Mountains in Arizona where magnificent Ponderosa Pines grow to 200 feet in places where other trees would not dare to survive. John Muir said of these trees: "Of all the pines, this one gives forth the finest music to the winds." The winds of change. They are coming.
I'm surprised at how "little" it took. New candidate, standing up to the bullies, the country rallying behind. Go Harris/Walz! Europe seems to be liking that ticket too.
Great now I got "Wind of change" by the Scorpions stuck in my head 😊.
You also wrote: " With Kamala Harris—and Tim Walz since today —voters in the US have a clear choice. Two charismatic leaders with strong communication skills represent the alternative to MAGA. Going back on women's rights is weird. Harris and Walz will remind voters that there is a real choice about essential issues and that they have the future in their hands."
These hopeful statements echo in me and I agree with them.
I have some thoughts on the women who support Trump or Vance. In Switzerland it's not only men that want to get back to "traditional" gender roles, it feels like it's mostly women. That's my perceptions as a childless woman (no cats - yet). They seem to feel that women not living life the way they do are somehow threatening their way of life and sense of identity.
Also, seeing other people living a life you'd like for yourself (whether you're aware of it or not) can trigger the opposite reaction - a need to make them live the restrictive life you lead. This can often be observed by closeted - and therefore superconservative - men. But I digress ...
Thank you for writing this. It can't have been easy. And very sad to hear about the Schulze-Boysens paying the ultimate price. Voting for sanity in November is so much easier.
It’s remarkable how much of the support for Hitler came from women. In the early days even more than half, later in the 1930s it was close to half of his votes that came from women.
Excellent article with disturbing parallels.
An ominous forewarning that that been building in the MAGA cult.
Women must be controlled.
A powerful reason Democrats lead by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz must defeat this insanity.
Thank you, I hope and trust they will be able to win this.
"With Kamala Harris—and Tim Walz since today —voters in the US have a clear choice. Two charismatic leaders with strong communication skills represent the alternative to MAGA. Going back on women's rights is weird. Harris and Walz will remind voters that there is a real choice about essential issues and that they have the future in their hands."
Christian Nationalists have a plan to keep people/women poor, uneducated, pregnant, jailed, with as few opportunities as possible. It's not going to happen.
I liked Tim Walz opening yesterday, talking about “joy” being back in the race. In start contrast: there is no joy in anything Trump/Vance have to offer, only bullying, negativity, and a promise to go back. Their plans with the American people are the same; they won’t bring joy in people’s lives.
Exactly; I have nothing to add. Except thank you, Alexander. Insightful as always.
Disturbing parallels indeed! Very well said!
Thank you, Louisa
The parallels here are striking; oppression of women taking us back to Nazi Germany. It is a mystery why women, especially MAGA's, find these tyrant thugs appealing. Weird.
In the case of JD Vance, I saw a cartoon of the Beverly Hillbillies where "Granny" says, "That JD feller's cornbread ain't quite done in the middle." Well said.
Now, today, hope is on the ballot. Hate is exhausting and America is ready for a new day. I can feel it, like the desert before a rain, intoxicating.
I am heading to the White Mountains in Arizona where magnificent Ponderosa Pines grow to 200 feet in places where other trees would not dare to survive. John Muir said of these trees: "Of all the pines, this one gives forth the finest music to the winds." The winds of change. They are coming.
Muy bueno, Alex. Tu escritura dice mucho.
Beautifully said. Enjoy the White Mountains; still on my list.
Yes, the winds of change are coming. I feel the infectious joy. 🤩
I'm surprised at how "little" it took. New candidate, standing up to the bullies, the country rallying behind. Go Harris/Walz! Europe seems to be liking that ticket too.
Great now I got "Wind of change" by the Scorpions stuck in my head 😊.
Haha. Me too!
You also wrote: " With Kamala Harris—and Tim Walz since today —voters in the US have a clear choice. Two charismatic leaders with strong communication skills represent the alternative to MAGA. Going back on women's rights is weird. Harris and Walz will remind voters that there is a real choice about essential issues and that they have the future in their hands."
These hopeful statements echo in me and I agree with them.
There is hope again, which is by the way the name of Walz’s daughter
Thank you for this frightening history lesson as a warning for what’s at stake in this extremely important and decisive election.
Democracy and personal rights, especially women’s rights, are monumental issues that must be protected by a defeat of the insane Republican ticket.
Yes, which is why Harris/Walz now grab back the word “freedom” from the Republicans
Not liking the parallels ...
I have some thoughts on the women who support Trump or Vance. In Switzerland it's not only men that want to get back to "traditional" gender roles, it feels like it's mostly women. That's my perceptions as a childless woman (no cats - yet). They seem to feel that women not living life the way they do are somehow threatening their way of life and sense of identity.
Also, seeing other people living a life you'd like for yourself (whether you're aware of it or not) can trigger the opposite reaction - a need to make them live the restrictive life you lead. This can often be observed by closeted - and therefore superconservative - men. But I digress ...
Thank you for writing this. It can't have been easy. And very sad to hear about the Schulze-Boysens paying the ultimate price. Voting for sanity in November is so much easier.
It’s remarkable how much of the support for Hitler came from women. In the early days even more than half, later in the 1930s it was close to half of his votes that came from women.
I would like to add that in Switzerland women finally and after struggling got the right to vote federally in 1970 and regionally in 1994 !!!
That says a lot about our history and the relationships between genders!