Beautiful foto's. I love life in Spain. It seems so much easier to enjoy and to help others enjoy life as well. I wish you a good night and strength for the day of tomorrow. Please look well after yourself.

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Thank you, Ricardo 😊

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Magnificence! Thank you.

Safe travels on the morrow.

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Nice pics, pleasant ambience !!

Take well care of you 🙏

Bravo pour ce beau parcours!👌

Bon courage pour la suite Alex !!

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🌻🚶‍♂️Beautiful photos, it's like being strung back into time. A time capsule where nobody left.

Thank you for wandering around this town today, to give a taste of what it is like. ⛪

Sweet . . .

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The cathedral washed in golden light and the intense blue sky in the background is a religious experience in itself. I’m happy to hear Leon made such an impression on you. Stay healthy and inspired, Alex!!!

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Those charming photos definitely inspire joy! Hope the next segment of your journey is equally delightful.

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Beautiful city Leon. And thank you for showing us these nice and peaceful places. Good luck!

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