A deeply moving story of how, spurred by a profound sense of justice and morality, the commitment of these young heroes put their lives on the line. The outcomes are so dramatically different. I’m glad you have written the story of Traute Lafrenz. It somehow makes the sacrifices of Sophie Scholl and Traudl Junge a little easier to bear.

These young people had the cognizance to understand the depth of evil Nazism and fascism represented and had the courage to confront them. How I wish the masses in my own country today could have the same foresight and exhibit the same character and fortitude.

Let us never forget the heroes. Thank you for being their voices.

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Fighting for what one knows is right can be a lonely, arduous, and criticized path. And it's often driven by internal factors as much as external ones. I can only imagine how often Traute Lafrenz was told, "it's not that bad," or asked, "is it really worth it?" Her answer was yes, and she was blessed to be given a long, productive life after. But, in my heart I know it forever changed her in ways many people might never understand.

Betrayed by fellow members and imprisoned by the Nazis, her story is one of personal and political triumph. I'm so happy she'll be long remembered and honored.

Katrin Seybold's documentary, "Die Widerständigen. Zeugen der Weißen Rose" (The Resisters. Witnesses of the White Rose), is worth a watch for the first-hand accounts. And Michael Verhoeven's 1982 "The White Rose," tells the story of Sophie and Hans Scholl.


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Alex, this is a lovely, moving tribute to a truly brave and courageous human being. I find it tremendously reassuring and life-affirming to learn about people who spoke up, who acted amidst difficult circumstances.

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Thank you for this timely article on yet another of the “White Rose” resistance fighters of fascism and the Nazi regime, this one surviving to lead a long and fulfilling life in America, surely an example to young people of the current generation that freedom comes with consequences, as her peers were not so fortunate. 🌍🕊️

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To this perfect homage and all the comments left here, I can only add the undeniable truth of Anne Frank's words:

“Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.”

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Thank you for your comment. It just reminded me of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6YccPX-ak8

Sorry to those who don't speak French. It's a dad explaining to his son why people are lighting candles after the Paris attack. The boy is initially scared that he has to move because of the very bad people who try to shoot you. At the end he's feeling better.

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So sweet and moving…the words of innocence, a blooming heart of concern and hope and a caring father paving the way for a future of understanding and respect. Thank you, Evelyne.

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Yes touching. “The flowers and candles are here to protect us”

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Thank you Alex for sharing these important stories.

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Such a meaningful tribute—thanks very much for writing this. May we too bloom as White Roses for peace, justice, health, and good will all over the planet.

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Thank you for honoring Traute Lafrenz in a newsletter. These stories of resistance are so important to be told. Each and every one of us can make a difference. I'm in awe of what the members of the White Rose did. I'm not sure if I'd been brave enough. Thank you for telling us their stories.

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