Understandable you’ve never driven from home to NYC before, a new experience indeed!

Happy you’ve had a chance to revisit after an absence due to the pandemic. The city was putting on her finest face for you in spring grandeur. The greening in all respects is great to see. Lots of gorgeous color in your wonderful photos as well. Your summer travels are off to a fine beginning.

Very nice to note the increase in more livable and environmentally friendly trends. America, in general, is a slow learner compared to the European cities and cultures.

Thank you for a lovely article and excellent photos. Continue to enjoy this exciting city, enjoy your coffees and all NYC can offer to a visitor who’s been away too long. I look forward to every stop this journey includes. Be safe and have fun.

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Thank you Lizzie. And thanks for discovering that comments are possible again. I made this post on my iPhone instead of using a MacBook and although I added the comments button, my settings didn’t allow anyone to comment. All works now. 😊

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Happy to help 😊

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NYC is always exciting and inspiring. Glad to see the weather was clear and sunny for you. Hope you have a chance to visit Little Island. I was thrilled to experience this innovative public space last year. Enjoy!

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I hope to visit it when I find the time

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🌻🚶‍♂️🗽 in NYC, please say 'Hi' from me to the statue of Liberty (-:

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