I suspect many of our leaders are unable to relate unless they have a personal climate crisis experience.

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I believe so too, and increasingly they will experience heatwaves or other forms of extreme weather.

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Hi Alexander, your text was technical and informative. I’m also on and off, full of despair and hopeful for all animals, plants and nature’s biodiversity. Although we are adapting to the new conditions via this and that, change will take time and I agree that voting for aware and responsible politicians will help us.

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I think that question is impossible to answer. The unwillingness of leaders to do something - anything! - is insane.

Thanks for writing about COP15. It will be interesting to see what happens. I'm not holding my breath though.

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“What does it take to make our leaders lead?”

If shocking facts like a loss of 70% of all wildlife in less than half a century doesn’t trigger immediate and decisive action from world leaders and policymakers, what indeed does it take? Think of it in these terms, it’s the largest loss of life on Earth since the extinction of dinosaurs.

That’s how meaningful this loss is.

We can only hope the upcoming COPs have far greater impact than the most recent ones with dedicated plans to put hope ahead of despair. We cannot allow the remaining wildlife creatures to fade silently away.

Thank you for this article and your voice sounding the alarm for our planet once again.

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I have learned over the years that it is difficult to predict if a COP will be successful. Statistically, it is a safe bet to predict that they fail each time; because they often do. But that attitude won't get us anywhere if everyone thinks like that, and it ignores the small steps that are often made during a COP and that don't make it to the headlines. Still, I remain hopeful for a successful COP15.

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I think it will be the youth that will actually enforce the changes the world needs to face and work to change the course of our climate crisis. Agree, Alex, it’s so important to use our voices and to vote!

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If there was some way to stop the Koch Industries of the world, the mega-wealthy who infiltrate academic and research institutions to crank out climate-denying junk science, and lobby congress and stalemate policies. Koch, et. al. drive the fake news-industrial complex and are behind the efforts to pack the courts and undermine democracy... I could go on and on. The way to forge real change is through the mega-wealthy. Koch, et. al. are 100% invested in wielding their toxic power through the fossil fuel industry, through private prisons, and private defense companies. Stop Koch, et. al., and then all of those they've propped up will fall. Then, change is possible. Then, maybe, God willing, leaders will reorient their moral compass.

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I listen with frustration to the banter on radio call in shows about the issues people consume themselves with, sharing just this morn that I wish the same attention and passion found its way to people's advocacy regarding climate change caused by global warming. I feel the same regarding the resources and excitement shown for sports and big entertainment. My despair, turned hope, moves me to participate in a weekly healing intention for the environment and planet, given my belief in life's energies and the power of thought. If any readers are of like mind and interested in information regarding this I would be happy to share access info for the zoom meet, my text number in the U.S. is 414.539.8272. Gratitude to you Alexander for your knowledge shared and care and love for our planet.

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