May 11Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

The US criminal and presumed Republican nominee who considers himself an artist in deal making is offering billionaires the deal of the century if they cough up 1 Billion $ in campaign contributions for his reelection effort to avoid prison. In exchange he proposes huge tax breaks and erasing all the Biden administration climate initiatives if he wins. Selling the future of the planet so he can stay out of prison. There have been evil plans by other heinous villains but few can match the selfish malevolence of Donald Trump. This, when we are at the most ominous point of planetary destruction in human history.

As each new extreme weather event tries to top the last, we see global crises of unimaginable proportions. It’s everywhere and no one is immune!

This long and fact laden article reveals the crisis in the clearest and most urgent terms. A career in watching goals set and missed and seeing planetary security dwindle before your eyes defies easy words but you’ve given an excellent accounting.

Climate chaos is at the door worldwide and a desperate criminal wants to sell Planet Earth in a yard sale for billionaires!

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May 11Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Dare I say thank you for devastating information? The situation in Brazil was missed by me in the “Stormy” testimony,

likely the only trial that has a chance of resolution before November elections. And it will be no doubt under appeal by then anyway. The hope that electing a felon would be unconscionable will be moot especially if the corrupt SCOTUS

grants the candidate “Immunity.” Trump’s begging in so many ridiculous pleas (golden sneakers, bibles) for campaign finance went off the rails with going to the BIG OIL dealers and lobbyists. To my knowledge his Mar-A-Lago dinner “deal” was a bust anyway. I do not believe in his obvious dementia that he can do well as the campaign progresses to unscripted territory. His cult may find a new “filler” for the Project 2025 agenda, dictator Day #1 and so on, but Democrats are pulling out all the stops to get Biden with his issues retaining the White House and with a win, believe he will address climate more fully in a second term. Must hope for a Mideast calming by then but after hundreds of years of mutual hatred, it’s a tall order. I finally got some background you might read too that made sense in Dan Rather’s Substack “Steady”. He is 92 and so reliable in reporting facts since his early days at CBS in Dallas reporting on the JFK assassination. He even went boots on the ground to Vietnam to “get the story” in fatigues, etc. This journalist is a marvel and still doing his favorite job, reporting now on Substack. I hope he retains his health and perspective for years to come. Meanwhile my heart aches for climate refugees across the Globe and to our South in Brazil. Later, dear friend.

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May 10Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

You're correct. There is no outright denial any longer but I notice the trolls using strange chemistry references and wonder where they're getting their scripts. Doing a lot of blocking these days. No sense in arguing with them. Lawmakers are the focus.

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May 12Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Agreed. There's no point in arguing with AI. Better to block and put privacy parameters in place.

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I wish they were ai. Sadly, they are real life trolls who 1) think it's fun to cause trouble or 2) maga. In my daily bus travels I engage fellow commuters in discussion and that's where minds can be changed.

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May 12Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Spot on as usual! I share all of your concerns.

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Thanks, Micha.

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May 11Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Being forced to “get used to” the repetition of human tragedies, the numerous disasters, all due to climate change…: is this humanly and psychologically possible?

So much misinformation from the media or politicians has delayed real awareness. And many people continue to confuse “weather and climate”, despite all these increasingly repetitive disasters.

And after so many years of alerts, communications from expert journalists, scientists and lucid specialists committed, like you Alex!🙏

And now, the unthinkable, the most shocking 😡: Trump seeks to corrupt by “selling the future of our planet” to be able to finance his presidential campaign, with crazy promises!

At this point in my comment, a childhood memory comes back to me: “The Sorcerer's Apprentice” by Walt Disney, with this distressing music...

The climate is out of control, but there is also “this man” of power out of control!

His attempt at corruption is unthinkable, revolting … and deserves exemplary condemnation ☝️ as an attempted crime against humanity!

I hope that the 🇺🇸 and the American people will react to this unbearable madness!

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May 11Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

As of April 22, 2024 Open Secrets campaign report shows Oil & Gas industry donating $7,277,660M US to Trump and $536,951 US to Biden. It is a horrid battle but we're fighting, Danièle.

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May 11Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Thanks for your precisions and comment, Rena 🙏 💪 👏

Yes, l understand that it’s a horrid and so unbalanced battle.

My Unwavering support for your combat.

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May 25Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Never voted for him, never would vote for him and I cannot understand why anyone would vote for him. Especially a 2nd time, a known quantity. And now a 3rd after an insurrection, give me a break. 🤯

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Same feelings here. It is so hard to understand. I always wonder why successful populists are so often the kind of people you would never select if you were asked as a head-hunter to find the next succesful populist. It seems that a weird hairdo is a requirement (or moustache), and a record of failure. I could go on for a while, the same pattern all over and not one of them has solved the problems they promissed to tackle.

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