Oct 1Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Thank you, Alex, for a beautiful article and perfect tribute to our beloved President Jimmy Carter. He is my favorite President and someone we should strive to emulate.

The stories about his courage and compassion are many, from lowering himself into a damaged nuclear reactor to being credited with eradicating Guinea worm disease in Sudan. Then, along with wife Rosalyn, physically building countless homes for Habitat for Humanity.

President Carter was the first American President to recognize climate change as you’ve mentioned about solar panels he installed in the White House, later removed by Reagan. A music lover, he was the first Rock n Roll President. You and he could have been great friends!

Your story, told from your youthful memories, is thoroughly engaging and so interesting from the perspective of a European. President Carter doesn’t belong to just Americans but to the world.

His grandson said it was President Carter’s wish to live long enough to vote for Kamala Harris for President. I hope he can see her sworn in. You’re so right in saying he is the polar opposite of her opponent.

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Thanks Lizzie, I like his modesty after the presidency, he’s the only modern ex-president who didn’t aim to get rich but fully focused on doing good.

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Oct 1Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

My appreciation for your attention to President Jimmy Carter's legacy. It seemed the achievements of his administration were consistently downplayed over the years. Especially those related to the environment. I always suspected this was deliberate. Vote.

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President’s appreciation ratings continue forever and they go up and down. My guess is that Carter’s are going up.

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Oct 1Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

This is a lovely tribute.

President Carter was never given enough credit and appreciation for his contributions. The Washington elite disdained the Carters because they were humble, unpretentious people. They wouldn’t change. They stayed true to themselves. They Did Something. And they didn’t stop.

Let them inspire Americans to Do Something in November.

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Being humble would make any American president appreciated worldwide. Unfortunately, one of the candidates has no clue of the meaning of this word.

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Oct 1Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

I read that after President Carter lost to Reagan, a Washington society maven said to something like ‘Thank God! At least we’ll have class and style in the White House now’.

That’s America 😥

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Oct 1Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

A good person AND a visionary leader, the top !

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Oct 1Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

I’m older than you are, Alex, and sad to say that my youth was full of Republican presidents when I learned about US history in school. I had to listen to ravings (especially about Eisenhower and Nixon) from my dad who (daily) walked around with a (small) copy of the Constitution in the breast pocket of his suit. Of course, I thought JFK exemplary, but unfortunately he didn’t live long enough to prove his worth I also admired LBJ

who passed a lot of legislation but got “trapped” by a war that never should have happened… So, my shining example of a great president, of course, is our

100 year old Jimmy Carter

He was much more than a peanut farmer”, but his fame and humanitarianism rests with his post-presidency activities which you so well wrote about. He’s a mensch, but a great example of a true Humanist.


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Thank you, Anne. I always wonder what would have happened if Robert Kennedy wasn’t murdered; US -and world- history could have developed in a much more positive direction.

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Oct 1Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you.

Like you, I do remember "my first president". It was Ronald Reagan - his second term.

Tonight, I'm glad that I'll be asleep when the debate is happening and that I can catch up on the hightlights tomorrow morning.

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When I think back of the 1980s, Reagan is so much part of that image.

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Oct 1Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

He was also very instrumental in improving U.S.-China relations. Bless him.

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And his voice is recorded on the record on the Voyager (or on both Voyagers, not sure). So if millions of years from now little green aliens 👽 open the hatch, sit down in the Voyager, chill, and play that golden record, Carters voice will truly live forever.

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Oct 1Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

That's fantastic. He's a truly lovable human being. His philanthropy has almost eliminated Guinea worm from Africa.

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Oct 1Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍


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Oct 1Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Driving on I-10 through the vast Sonoran Desert, when the car radio announced the Iran Hostages had been freed minutes into Reagan's Inauguration in 1981. I thought, this isn't right. Skip to present; Iran still making headlines for the wrong reason.

There were so many things that America got wrong about President Carter. But oh, there were so many things that Jimmy Carter got right as you have so eloquently stated. And one was his music. Bob Dylan, Allman Brothers, Marshall Tucker. The poets of our generation. Southern rock: Ramblin Man, Fire on the Mountain. Dylan's Blowin' in the Wind. These songs keep playing as Jimmy Carter's legacy teaches us that humility is strength, faith is the cornerstone and love of your fellowman is everything.

What a privilege it was to have this Southern Gentleman as our President. The world will long remember this humanitarian and his song. "One of the things that has held America together has been the music we share and love." His music of the soul still resonates as we remember this visionary peacemaker.

As always, Alex, you have captured a moment in history and transported us there, a time when a man of works taught us through his actions not words. As we watch the debate tonight filled with chaos, sneers, hatred and disrespect for the Rule of Law, I so hope Jimmy Carter's vote will be the deciding factor in keeping our Democracy.

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Thank you Sharon. Your comment brings back two memories: an old one: watching Reagan’s inauguration and remembering how at that very same moment the news broke of the hostages release (and one of them being asked by a reporter a few days later if he ever wanted to return to Iran to which he answered “only in a B-52.”). The other one is recent: driving on that same highway in April last year. Such good memories, still waiting to be properly written down someday. Oh, and now Dylan’s voice is in my head, like a rolling stone.

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