Oct 30, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Thanks for the tip.

I signed up and next week will start adding my follows.

I love the idea of social media as a force for good and for building communities and friendships.

Fingers crossed :)

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Will see you there!

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Twitter has never been perfect but it has been an excellent platform for exchange of ideas and information for people worldwide. With these ominous new developments the fissures of imperfection widen to allow humanity’s worst failures a more prominent forum for hate and division.

Musk had an opportunity for beneficial enhancements in his pledge to advertisers but actions speak differently. Hopefully, advertisers can exert enough pressure to change his path.

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He seems to consider introducing paid subscriptions

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I have optimistic hopes for Jack’s Blue Sky if Twitter goes too far south.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Thanks for your analyse. I am seriously considering the move to Mastodon after what you wrote and I love a concise and respectful social media. Wait and see will be my motto and as well see what the sellers and buyers of the company will do.

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I think most people will wait and see. It's too soon to judge on these early worrying signs

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Love the backpage. Luna is such a cutie.

As for the rest - too early to tell. Timing i.e. right before the midterm election in the US is interesting. Not surprising.

No noticeable change on my account re followers yet. I don't think Mastodon is for me. Had a similar experience as when I joined Facebook way back when:. Was on there for 5 mins, hated it & left again. Never looked back.

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She's the star of The Planet :-)

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Thank you for all of thisβ€”as per usual, you are spot on. I am considering leaving Twitter, but will likely give it a little time before making the decision.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

This is another great post Alex! I laughed out loud at your closing! So good!

Thanks for the tip re Mastadon! Will check it out!

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Hello and thank you for the tip!! I had been wondering where to go for sometime. I'll shall sign up.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

I used to be on Twitter. I discovered YOU on Twitter! I left Twitter when Twitter didn’t take down that horrid cartoon about AOC. It took me 2 weeks to leave; I was that reluctant to leave my Twitter friends, friends like you. I decided to put the Twitter account on hold. I knew I would lose the only way I could have a voice, especially pertinent during the Trump years and Covid. Twitter was my only social app, having left Facebook years earlier when Facebook took control of our feeds and decided for us what we should see. That would be shortly after FB introduced the news feed and shortly before Trump began his campaign, so I thankfully missed all that noise. I never went back to Twitter. Even though my own Twitter feed was free from the ugliness, the way I see it social media sites that allow vitriol will survive only if they are supported. That’s why I bailed. I don’t see social media in and of itself as much the problem as I see how people use it as the problem. As far as I am concerned Elon Musk has opened the floodgates of hatred which will only fan the flames. You are correct, I think. Your lost followers are likely people who don’t want Musks’ version of Twitter. Bottom line, free speech without ethics or mutual respect for others sure as heck sucks! I have found another community to mingle with on a handful of Political Tarot readers’ channels on YouTube where kindness, thoughtfulness and humor reign. It has been a good trade-off, a bit off the wall at times, but definitely positive! β€οΈπŸ™πŸΌβ€οΈ

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Thank you for sharing this Linda. I think many people share those feelings but only a small group really goes so far as to really leave. I left Facebook several years ago when I felt it had become too intrusive. I still have the account since some friends are only on Facebook so they can still send me messages but I don't open the app anymore. Leaving Facebook was easy, I don't miss it; leaving Twitter will be a tough one. I will just wait and see.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

My dear Alexander, I see that we both left Facebook for the same reason! I felt that my feed had become a victim of a corporate takeover. My personal feed no longer reflected me but what Facebook wanted my feed to reflect. As to Twitter, if I had the tremendously important message you have I would probably still be on Twitter, too! I re-read my post, a 3:30am rant, and worried that anyone still on Twitter might take what I said as a criticism but that was not my intention. Unfortunately, my own experiences of violence in my youth is what propelled my abrupt decision to leave Twitter, coupled with my very limited audience there. You, on the other hand, have a much wider audience and a very important message and it makes sense to me that you continue as long as possible. I hopped on Twitter the day I saw the first images of children in cages hit our TV screens and before long I quit going to the general feed I was so busy with like-minded followers within my personal feed. My ability to influence was much more limited than yours. You do good work. Carry on, my friend!

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Thanks for your thoughts and the photo of cutie Luna. I have added my name to the Blue Sky wait list. I’m waiting until after the Nov 8 midterm elections to decide if I want to leave Twitter.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Great analysis Alex. It seems "The Bird is freed" however humanity and decency have been handcuffed. I now have a somewhat "creepy" feeling as I stroll through my feed. I think time will tell. So like others I am taking a wait and see attitude.

It is very troubling to hear the candidate for Governor in my home state of Az, Kari Lake, is picking up new followers so quickly. Hopefully, a large majority will not be eligible to vote for her in the upcoming election. What gives me hope, though, are my friends. Some I met on social media, some are lifers. A friend from Switzerland contacted me thru DM and asked how she could contribute to Katie Hobbs for Governor campaign. While nearly half of all eligible Arizona voters do not cast ballots, here is someone overseas worried about our election. And well she should because I feel Democracy is passing through Arizona this election and some Arizonans will be scratching their heads after November 8th and wishing they would have voted. This is scary stuff but I am confident Democracy and free and fair elections will win.

I am going to hang in there knowing there are people like you on Twitter who are speaking for those who have no voice and fighting for this planet. I think hope is the operative word here because after all "hope is the thing with feathers". And sore must be the storm that could abash the little bird.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Unfortunately, you can't make a donation from abroad unless you're a US citizen. I am worried about AZ. Scary!

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Thank you Evelyne! I appreciate your support. Barack Obama was in Az tonight & listening to his words gave me hope. Truth matters & I think Democracy will prevail.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Yes, I saw you post it in your stories. I think I'm gonna be on edge until we have the results and then either celebrate with a ginger schnapps (only just found out that that's a thing) or drown my sorrows in it.

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