A weekend read for those that like languages, history, art, food, recipes, and traditions. As typical Dutch as the oliebollenkraam is the tulip bulb, which we call "tulpenbol;" note that both the Dutch "bol" and the English "bulb" (there is a b at the end, but it has an "l-sound" after the "u") are also descendants of the same bulla. And at the risk of Substack censorship, you now will forever listen with much more historical interest to the use of "bollocks;" bulla everywhere.
Dank je Ricardo, de frequentie ligt tijdelijk wat lager i.v.m. het opstarten van de podcasts waar toch wel veel bij komt kijken. Daarom gisteren maar een wat langere blog geschreven. Ik wens je goede Kerstdagen toe!
I love this! I have so much to say (I'm a linguist after all) - but before this comment gets out of hand, let me just say that the Swiss and the Dutch have something in common in terms of the diminutives. In our case it's the -li ending. And I am definitely going to read up on the "verkleinvormen" rules. I love that the source is in Dutch.
Thank you so much for this! And, I also got hungry while reading it. Have a great Sunday!
I enjoyed learning more about the Dutch language! It’s very interesting to see the connections to the English language. But it does not look easy to learn! 😄
It isn't easy but I have seen quite a few adults learning to speak Dutch within a year. The biggest problem is that the Dutch don't give them a chance to practice, we answer back in English.
Thank you for this very charming, entertaining and amusing piece. I loved it!
Beautiful Zierikzee, still lovely even on a rainy winter day, especially with the reflections mirroring the scene. And a language lesson! Dutch is really complicated! Not sure I’d ever get it right.
You’re never at a loss for writing subjects on the island. There’s a story everywhere and you are the perfect raconteur with a deep knowledge of your island and country, it’s history and traditions. I never tire of hearing them.
The colorful blooms are so welcome on this drab day. And the oliebollen looks delicious. I hope you sampled some. Thanks for the recipe. Hope it was a wonderful day of leisure and fun.
I hope you are able to live in Zierikzee again; going home is one’s dream, isn’t it? And that you are then able to write the many stories of your life experience, already so vast and growing every day the sun rises. Best wishes in reaching that goal when the time is right! 😊🌍🕊️
OMG!! The pictures are beautiful... but the tulips are breath taking. I hope that some day I'll be able see such gorgeous flower beds.
The explanation of oliebollenkraam- at times made me laugh. I loved it. Thank you for always taking time out to share with all of us. We greatly appreciate. Stay warm and safe.
Thank you, Ginna. The tulip field is on the island, but you don't see them too much here. I grew up in the west of the Netherlands, in the middle of the main tulip growing area, a spectacular sight in early springtime.
That was really a fun read, Alexander. And thanks very much for the Dutch language primer. Happy Holidays!
Hi Mike, thank you. You must have recognized quite a bit. At least the oliebollen tradition. Wishing you also happy holidays!
Wat een leuke vandaag! Dank je, Alex! Fijne dagen met de familie.
Dank je Ricardo, de frequentie ligt tijdelijk wat lager i.v.m. het opstarten van de podcasts waar toch wel veel bij komt kijken. Daarom gisteren maar een wat langere blog geschreven. Ik wens je goede Kerstdagen toe!
I love this! I have so much to say (I'm a linguist after all) - but before this comment gets out of hand, let me just say that the Swiss and the Dutch have something in common in terms of the diminutives. In our case it's the -li ending. And I am definitely going to read up on the "verkleinvormen" rules. I love that the source is in Dutch.
Thank you so much for this! And, I also got hungry while reading it. Have a great Sunday!
Wees zo goed en stralen twee oliebollen over, en kan ik je later terug betalen?
Thank you, I got hungry reading about the Oliebollen (-:
I can imagine you must miss them!
I'd like to have a couple beamed over to me as well - I could send some Swiss chocolate back ;-)
I enjoyed learning more about the Dutch language! It’s very interesting to see the connections to the English language. But it does not look easy to learn! 😄
It isn't easy but I have seen quite a few adults learning to speak Dutch within a year. The biggest problem is that the Dutch don't give them a chance to practice, we answer back in English.
Thank you for this very charming, entertaining and amusing piece. I loved it!
Beautiful Zierikzee, still lovely even on a rainy winter day, especially with the reflections mirroring the scene. And a language lesson! Dutch is really complicated! Not sure I’d ever get it right.
You’re never at a loss for writing subjects on the island. There’s a story everywhere and you are the perfect raconteur with a deep knowledge of your island and country, it’s history and traditions. I never tire of hearing them.
The colorful blooms are so welcome on this drab day. And the oliebollen looks delicious. I hope you sampled some. Thanks for the recipe. Hope it was a wonderful day of leisure and fun.
Someday, I hope to settle permanently on the island. It may be a good moment to write a book about the island's history and nature.
Looking forward to that book!
I hope you are able to live in Zierikzee again; going home is one’s dream, isn’t it? And that you are then able to write the many stories of your life experience, already so vast and growing every day the sun rises. Best wishes in reaching that goal when the time is right! 😊🌍🕊️
Thank you, I love that thought too
Spreading treasures, smiles and good moments: a personal tradition. Excellent trail. Perfect walk.
An early Christmas gift. Heel goed werk, Alexander.
Dank je wel Maria, obrigada
OMG!! The pictures are beautiful... but the tulips are breath taking. I hope that some day I'll be able see such gorgeous flower beds.
The explanation of oliebollenkraam- at times made me laugh. I loved it. Thank you for always taking time out to share with all of us. We greatly appreciate. Stay warm and safe.
Thank you, Ginna. The tulip field is on the island, but you don't see them too much here. I grew up in the west of the Netherlands, in the middle of the main tulip growing area, a spectacular sight in early springtime.