Sep 29, 2023Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

As you know, Alex, your words resonate here in Canada too. I have been watching Mr. Poilievre trying to pose as a mini-Trump in preparation for a Federal election that is (thankfully) still > 1 year away. It strikes me that the strange but successful strategy is to gradually lead supporters little by little down a path of ridiculous statements so that at the end, when they are faced with how absurd their favourite's claims are becoming, the choice they face is (a) admit that they have fallen for a scam, or (b) double down in their support. As we know from people who have fallen for bank scams, Denial is a powerful human response. Against all logic, most will choose (b). The more insecure they are , the more intense their reactions will be. So the absurdity of the candidate's behavior and statements is actually a tactic to entrench support.

Others, observing from the outside, underestimate the political power of these actions because they are still experiencing a response based on logic, not emotion. So the opposition defends with "reasonable arguments" that will have little effect.

We laugh because, we don't dare cry.

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍


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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

There is so much I could say about what you’ve written but you have said everything that needs to be said and done it masterfully.

So I will only say this is absolutely brilliant. It’s worthy of The New York Times or any major periodical. I wish I could see it in print in one of those so millions could read it.

Thank you for writing such a deeply meaningful and heartfelt piece. It’s exactly what is needed now and what I would expect of you. 🙏🇺🇸

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Thank you so much for your masterfully written words just as I was about to try to sleep 😴 ; dreading the day coming tomorrow and most of all 12:00 midnight Saturday when barring a miracle, our government will shut down due to the warring MAGATS in our House of Representatives. It won’t be the first time Trump’s tantrums have resulted in such action. I remember the 35 days of the “Border Wall” debacle so very well. McCarthy may be holding the gavel tonight but his future is in doubt in my mind. The sooner the gavel is given to a patriot and not a power hungry MAGAT the better we will be as a functioning Democracy. We are not so this night but our beloved President has such a soothing tone even when calling out the GOP for their foolish, childish attempts at revenge politics, I am left with faith that we will get past this horrible weekend and see the sun rise on a better day very soon. Stand by us from your perch in Canada with words of wisdom and encouragement. We need you now more than ever! ❤️🇺🇸🌎🕊️

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Sep 29, 2023·edited Sep 29, 2023Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Arizona's favorite son would be proud of his friend's speech today. Calling McCain a Patriot and war hero who put country & Democracy first are words we will never hear of MAGA extremists who normalize political violence, call for execution of our top Generals while banning books & attacking free press.

And the silence from the rest of the Republican Party is deafening. "There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone but your dishonor will remain."

Senator McCain believed we are a country with a conscience. I hope we can prove him right.

When God asked Solomon "What should I give you?" Solomon did not ask for wealth, power or a long life. He requested "An understanding mind that I may have the wisdom to discern between good and evil."

With many thanks, Alex, for being one of the most discerning voices of our time for good. Your voice carries.

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

So masterfully said. Thank you. The day I woke to discover Hillary was not our 45th President was a dark day and after a cry I began to research alternative countries. Many of us, particularly those of us who have lived in or near New York City, have know the monster to be a liar, cheat, fraud, a criminal. He has studied well how to be an autocrat and has had many teachers. Then the unthinkable happened. Like a horror film, his evil followers crawled out from under every rock because now they had a leader and it was safe to be a fascist, a racist, a criminal in public. Including people I thought I knew. People happy to be brown shirts. It is unlikely he sets foot in the White House again and I will do whatever I'm able to see to that, including supporting Biden, however, the supporters of the monster... Whenever white police officers stop a black man I wait and watch ready to intervene or be a witness. This is no way for people to live. We do what we can do. And I'm still researching alternative nations to call home.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

You hit the nail on the head (as always), Alexander!!I had the same reaction to Hillary's defeat. I wish I could share your opinion that it is unlikely that he will become POTUS again. His people are like sheep and will follow him over the edge of the cliff - add to that they are VERY organized.

To rena: I have never lived in NYC but back in the 80's I could see what DJT was, is and always would be: a sociopath. I felt history was repeating itself: Germany, January 30, 1933. So far nothing has happened since January 20, 2020 to change my mind. (Note the actual dates - only 83 years and 10 days.)

RE: Your research on alternative nations: My friends who like the "change of seasons" prefer Canada and my friends who love Florida go for Costa Rica. In fact, my BFF and her husband are now in Costa Rica as ex-Pats.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Thank you, Linda!

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I lived for nearly 20 years in NYC; will never forget coming back from abroad in 2019, and getting in a cab from the airport, and the cabbie explaining to me the horrors of what America didn’t understand about Trump that every New Yorker knew. If times were less dangerous, it would have been hilarious. He was brilliant.

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

‘...because the consequences of complacency are too dire to ignore.’ The state of so many things in our world now. 💔 President Biden deserves so much praise for working so deeply with what we’ve got, calling it like it is AND still working to make the changes needed...I dread to think where we’d be with a lesser statesmen in that role at this time.

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Thank you very much, Alex, for your excellent analysis👌, precise and taking stock of the behavior of D.Trump, daring everything and even the worst of the worst.

For some time now, real worrying signals have been coming from the United States, about a crisis in their institutions, with in particular the (shocking) debate on the right to abortion, long considered fundamental and in accordance with the constitution, and called into question by the “politicized” judges of the Supreme Court.

But from Paris, the American elections still seemed far away!

And now a speech by President Biden is on all our newspapers!

President Biden comes to strike blows at his adversary, and clearly « dot the i’s » by alerting Americans to the democratic risks at stake in this electoral battle.

So here we are in France (currently plunged into the middle of an economic crisis), led to take a closer look, because the future fate of America will most certainly have strong global repercussions.

It is indeed very satisfaying 👏 to see President Biden raise his voice, oppose his opponent with the principles of democracy and, incredibly,... come and participate in a picket in front of a General Motors site ! 👏

To be followed closely, therefore,

hoping that the democratic reflex will prevail in the United States! 🙏🙏

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

If only siloed Americans could see things as clearly as you do!

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You hit the nail on the head (as always), Alexander!! Exactly my thoughts but so much more concise and masterfully written than I ever could have myself.

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