Jul 21Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

President Biden has had an excellent term as President. The record shows remarkable achievements in the nearly four years since he stepped into the role of presidency following the disastrous four years of his predecessor. No person and no President is perfect and there are areas that everyone can disagree with and where different choices could have been made. However, with the chaos he was handed, he rose to the challenge of being a President for the American people. He is a good and decent man who has regained respect from most foreign leaders whereas his predecessor had none except from the those like himself.

I wish he had come to this decision sooner to give more time for the Democrat Party to choose a strong candidate to counter the extremely dangerous offensive being waged and funded by the fascists who see Trump as their wedge in destroying the America that has been a bedrock of democracy.

We are in treacherous times and the burden is on Democrats to choose wisely. No namby pamby candidate will suffice. Our challenge is no less than that of our ancestors who sacrificed on foreign battlefields to defend freedom and democracy and to keep the world safe. Every freedom loving voter has to muster the same strength, courage and determination as those warriors, else we dishonor them. It’s our turn.

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It will be fascinating-and scary- to watch from abroad. I hope the Americans will choose wisely.

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

We must! So much depends on it. Both here and globally.

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A new Trump mandate would be a catastrophe for the whole world, for the protection of the climate and the environment, but it would also be a reign of the absence of rights.

France is following closely and also hopes!

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

I’m sad for President Biden but also very proud of him for putting his country ahead of his personal wishes to finish the job he began as President. Imagine the Republican candidate having that much character. President Biden restored dignity and leadership to the office of the presidency and kept faith with Americans. His accomplishments are genuinely amazing considering the mess he was handed by Trump and the ongoing drama of a criminal who attacked his own country and stole security documents among a laundry list of other crimes.

The next months will be dramatic as well as the new candidate must rise to the challenges ahead.

Democracy is on the ballot for America and the world. May we be successful as a country in meeting those challenges at the ballot boxes.

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You are so right, Lucy; just imagine the other candidate putting the country before his own interests for once. The fact that this is unimaginable sums up many of my worries about this man (but the list is far longer)

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Sitting in the U.S., upon hearing this news, I found myself just breathing, exhaling. I feel sad for my President who made the painful decision to step down and endorse his Vice President. After all, this is the elder statesman who saved our Democracy from Trump the second time. I am grateful.

After hearing the ugliness from the RNC & direct threats to our constitution, I am proud of the President and Democratic Party for making what I feel is the right decision to prevail. The hopes of the free world now rest upon her shoulders. The future of the immigrant, the disenfranchised and marginalized now rest on this country's ability to get it right; we are all of the above.

What history books, scholars or pundits make of this historic time, is beyond my control. I hope they do it justice. I wish all of us courage on the road ahead. We are so close to losing everything we hold dear.

Thank you for being a worldwide beacon for Democracy, Alex. Your understanding of these tenets that hold us together is immense. I so hope we can shore up this beautiful experiment we call America. "We come on the ship they call the Mayflower. We come on the ship that sailed the moon. We come in the ages most uncertain hours and sing an American tune."

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I love how you find inspiration in the songs our generation grew up with. "We came on a ship that sailed the moon" is such a beautiful line, a poetic metaphor for the aspirational and pioneering spirit of the American people. Somewhere in recent history, Americans lost the plot. It has happened before; let's hope America finds its way back to the right track. If that works out well, Joe Biden will be remembered as the man who stopped Trumpism and started to rebuild America as a new New Deal, an America for the Americans. However, if the present chaotic situation leads to another Trump term in office, Trump 2.0 may be far more effective after his first internship and remove the set limits for his term together with the other guardrails of democracy. The devastating global fallout of such a development is hard to underestimate, and sadly, the masses who put him on his throne will need time to realize what they have done.

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Jul 22Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Well said, Alex. America hangs over a precipice that will devour us while the masses cheer with fake white bandages over their ears. Your wisdom is sorely needed here.

I am stuck in my generation of songwriters who have become my poet laureates. It has been quite a year these past 3 weeks and "I'm just weary to my bones."

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And many’s the times I’ve been mistaken…

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Jul 22Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

My feelings are both sadness and excitement, sadness given the end of President Biden's re-election campaign and inability of him to continue his successful leadership (I valuing the wisdom of experience), and excitement because, while the doubt of him winning reelection was very concerning, Vice President Harris appears extremely capable of continuing President Biden's 'protect democracy' intent and actions. I believe that the party which gave President Biden the nomination in 2020 by forcing out other viable candidates, regarding which many people were discontented...that party is responsible for forcing him out at this time, prior to him reaching the decision to 'stand down'. I believe there is always an upside in seemingly concerning and negative situations. We will know this in time to come.

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You sum it up so well, Mary: Shakespearean drama, indeed, full of sadness and excitement. Waking up in Europe, I needed some time to catch up with all developments in the US while we were enjoying our sleep. I had yet to think about Kamala Harris taking over the campaign, including the available funding. I doubt if that leaves the option for real testing of other candidates (as well as testing of her, which may prove to strengthen her case). And I'm surprised that in all I have read in the past weeks, I don't recall reading about the funding aspect that gives her much stronger chances. I may have missed it, but it makes me wonder what other logical steps I -and the media- may have missed. And yes, there is always an upside, which gives hope, which is what we need. I will follow the next steps from far away, on an island in the Netherlands, where time seems to move more slowly, a pace that I wish the world to follow.

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Jul 23Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

An important reason for my feeling of relief given the new path leading to the November election is the impact of hope for the planet under Democratic, versus Maga, leadership. The difference is profound and extremely consequential for humanity and all of life on earth. Regarding your comment "where time seems to move more slowly, a pace that I wish the world to follow" appears a sentiment that is shared in an African saying.."The times are urgent, let us slow down"; and also expressive of a benefit of meditation, that of being 'responsive rather than reactive'. Much gratitude for your insights :)

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Jul 22Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Harris received $49.6M in donations right after Biden announced.

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Alex, your column was so thoughtful and beautifully described President Biden and his legacy, realizing of course that it’s too early for historians to start writing their books. A lot can happen in the short time we have left until the gavel comes down on the DNC here in Chicago. I lived through the 1968 here when I must admit to having been terrified (and 8 months pregnant!) as my husband and I watched armored trucks roll past our house in the University of Chicago neighborhood only about 55 blocks from the riots in Grant Park. There were no homeless there then to “remove for their safety” as there are now and Rena is right: our mayor has decided that they have to go “elsewhere” away from the convention. Of course none of us knows where “elsewhere” is.

We’re living in very historic times and I’m looking forward to more of your insightful comments as the weeks go on. Thank you for your thoughts, (which match mine)‼️

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

Thank you, Anne, you then (and now) lived through a remarkable moment in history. I see the murder on Robert Kennedy as the pivotal point in modern US history. Imagine what the US, and the world, would look like if he would have become president. But his murder marked a bend in the road of American history, bending further when Reagan became president. The situation now -far more extreme than ever before - will be a puzzle for historians to explain to their readers: how can a nation vote for a felon with an agenda that doesn't match their interests. Project 2025 doesn't promise to deliver what the majority wants. History is full of examples where right wing populists announce publicly what they will do once in power and then to do even worse than they promised, but their supporters tell themselves and everyone else that it won't be as bad as promised. I fear for the near future and the worldwide fallout of the folly of American politics.

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Jul 23Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Dear Anne, this may sound strange to you, but I was so moved by your words that I decided to answer. Being born in 1966 in Germany I often wish, I could see the views of my parents who are long gone now, while our world is continually changing so much. So I might just take your words for theirs. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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Jul 22Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Kamala Harris is extremely capable, and the possibility of a female President is wonderful! I am hopeful this will all work out for the best.

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Yes, she would be a great president, as there would be many others in the Democratic Party that would be suitable candidates. Whomever can stop a second Trump term and thus preserve democracy should do the job. I hope the party soon decides on whom the candidate will be, she seems to be the most likely (and thus far the only) candidate.

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Jul 22Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

While I wish President Biden had made this decision months ago, I still feel this clearly demonstrates the difference between the Democrats and the GOP cult of Trump. President Biden is doing what is best for the American people rather than relentlessly focusing on self promotion, divisiveness, and further enrichment of the privileged class. I remain hopeful that an overwhelming majority of Americans will recognize the difference and support the new candidate(s).

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I feel the same way, although I only realized the full extent of the problem in the debate. In hindsight, let's hope we can conclude that this was the best move and still in time. If history takes an unfortunate turn towards a potentially unlimited term for the party that practically always lost the popular vote in modern history, Biden and many others will continue to wonder about the what-if scenarios; we will never know.

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Biden promised to be a one term President. We have been beggjng the Democratic Party to produce a viable candidate for over a year. As usual the MSM had focused on the lesser issue. The world has been less concerned with age than with 200,000 Palestinians killed using US taxpayer money. There is and will be chaos. Currently, in Chicago we're worried about homeless people being kicked out of a homeless shelter to be replaced with homeless people kicked out of an encampment along a highway on the way to the Democratic Convention for the sake of optics.

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I missed the homeless story in Chicago, that's quite a story to share.

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

They are doing what?! Insane!

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

Indeed insane

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Jul 21Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍

I think it's gonna be chaos for a bit. I could never get myself to listen to Biden speak. Nor Trump - obviously.

I'm hoping the Democratic Party can agree on a new candidate quickly. I have my doubts though. Right decision but kind of late.

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I somehow missed your earlier comment which gives me now a 48-hours advantage in replying. Politics in the US move at cosmic speed and your hope came true. Biden used his 50+ years of experience and outsmarted everyone by just transfering the full campaign, inclusief the in America so important finances, to Kamala Harris. I don’t recall one single journalist speculating on this scenario. Not bad for an 81 year old in his isolation to work this all out.

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deletedJul 22Liked by Alexander Verbeek 🌍
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It is not my country, but we share the same planet where your country is the most powerful. So forgive me for trying to understand what is happening in your country, it impacts my future too even though I have no vote in your election.

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You need no forgiveness from me, ever. This is the only space I felt free to speak. Utter complete exhaustion from working in my isolated way to move the needle toward Biden who was utterly crucified by the media forever it seems. I have been posting on Substack for years now in political spaces which are not my natural habitat. Had shared so much information on other sites where the view ahead was much brighter. So many positive things about his presidency and work behind the optics of the candidacy. Trying to explain to someone with your expertise and vision was a fool’s errand. I hope you will forgive my “rant.” The result of my concern for the entire planet not just America.

I am terrified that the racists and misogynists will find a way to destroy Kamala Harris in spite of everything we do.

Fear leads to outbursts of anger but the target was certainly never you. I hope you will forgive me. You have my deep and profound respect and affection. Please give Luna hugs for me. My intent is to leave all of this to the professionals although I have a fairly large number of followers. I’ll think about them another day after watching how things shake out. Bless you, my friend!

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