News on Climate Change, Science, Politics, and some Personal Memories
Week 5 in 2024 (January 29 - February 4)
We have arrived in week five of 2024 (January 29 - February 4). I'll continue with a mix of global news highlights and my experiences this year. If you have memories, comments, or photos to share from this week, please join the chat on Substack. It's also an excellent place to meet others and grow your network. The link to the chat is at the bottom of this newsletter.
Monday, January 29, 2024
While NASA announced plans for a new space telescope to study dark energy and exoplanets, it also kept an eye on our own planet where it noted that a massive iceberg had broken off from Antarctica's Brunt Ice Shelf, it further raised concerns about sea level rise.
Far away from exoplanets and Antarctica, I lived on my quiet island. That is "my," as in, "I'm going to my hotel." Neither the hotel nor the island is mine, and I share it with many people, but it feels like my place on this planet, which I will always return to. It is an anchor where time slows down, and I can leave the world behind. That helps in periods like this where I don't shut the news off, but I reduce my news intake to a trickle, which is challenging but healing.
The cat in the photo is Luna. Since birth, she has been the star of my social media posts; adding her image to a post often leads to adorable outcries from cat lovers. I once let her write a newsletter with the help of her servant. In the photo, she looks a bit worried. She may have known early on in 2024 what was about to happen. We'll never know.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
The U.S. Senate passed a bipartisan bill to protect access to in vitro fertilization. We now know the debate didn't end with that bill; it would flare up after the summer during the election campaign.
Away from the tensions that make the headlines, I tried to get into nature every day. This photo is one of the many I made. I liked the composition, colors, symmetry, and the delicate, bare branches of the slender birch trees that, due to their high number, manage to fill an empty space.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Newly unearthed documents showed that the fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954.
That day, I was in The Hague, working in the morning in the Peppermint cafe. I lived around the corner for a few years in the 1990s. It is one of those cafes I kept returning to throughout my working life. The look, feel, and audience never change much. I sat here for hours with my laptop, writing a story and drinking coffee.
Thursday, February 1, 2024
The sixth session of the UN Environment Assembly began preparations in Nairobi, Kenya, and focused on addressing the triple planetary climate change crisis, biodiversity loss, and pollution.
On the island, I can forget about the crisis when I watch a sunrise like this from my house.
Friday, February 2, 2024
The U.S. unemployment rate dropped to a 50-year low of 3.2%, one of the many positive stories about Biden's achievements. Having watched American politics closely this year, I wonder why the voters didn't reward him for those successes.
This picture shows the endless dunes in this part of the island. I love walking or running here.
Saturday, February 3, 2024
In human trials, scientists successfully used CRISPR gene editing to treat sickle cell disease.
I don't know how this photo ended up in this collection. It reminds me of searching in many shops like this one for used doors and other materials from old houses that I needed to renovate a hundred-year-old house.
Sunday, February 4, 2024
Archaeologists discovered an ancient Mayan city in the jungles of Guatemala. In other news, a rare "green comet" made its closest approach to Earth visible to the naked eye.
I didn't see the comet, but I slept that night and woke up early Sunday morning for a long walk. I took this photo when I passed through this herd of young cows.
Remember, you can share your memories and photos in the chat or join to see what others experienced in the fifth week of this year.
Plenty of good news in this post! And Luna ❤
Luna is totally judging you for taking her picture rather than giving her a treat or scratches.
The variety of dunes and trees in Zeeland is stunning. Thanks for sharing.